Initiate, download and introduce AVG Retail on, first you might want AVG actuation code convenient with you at that point in the event that you have Security AVG Retail Card that is by and by a most popular approach to introduce AVG Retail. AVG Retail Card actuation code (voucher) and web connect find on
How to recover AVG License Number?
Your AVG License Number has been messaged to you as you put in your request at the AVG online shop.
On the off chance that you have AVG Retail previously introduced and wish to see your permit key to make a reinforcement duplicate of it, you can recover your AVG Retail or AVG permit number by following these means:
Run AVG form 8.5
Double tap the License symbol
Your AVG permit number is recorded in the License Component window. You can duplicate it to the clipboard by right-clicking it and choosing Copy permit number
Store your AVG permit number in a book document at a protected area.
Enable document sharing to avg firewall
On the off chance that you can't get to records or print over system on a PC with AVG Firewall from another PC in your nearby system, it's important to empower Files and printer sharing: